Friday, 1 January 2010

Hi Again!

Well, I havent updated this in a few months, mainly because there has been a stupid amount going on, in a nutshell.... I got back with my ex, broke up from my ex again, went out clubbing alot, got very drunk... alot... got a job, quit, got a new job, moved into my own place.... and now well, im happy.

I had an amazing Christmas, with my Dad (Nick), his gorgeous wife, (Karen), and spent xmas day with my closest family, Dad, Karen, Daniel, Auntie Jo and Phily, Jess, Ben, David, Adam, Grandma, Grandad. I can safely say it was the best xmas ive had in 4 years, it was so lovely spending the time with them all.

I've decided that 2010 is going to be a very epic year, and it gets started off in the best way possible with 5 of my amazing friends coming to stay with me on the 8th of January. Adam, Nick, Kristy, Mo and Shaun!!! Alcohol, PS3, Movies and Cuddles.. Can't Wait!

The weekend after i have my niece coming to stay, which means, singing, dancing and generally being very immature! Which is always fun! gogo Katie!

At some point between Jan and March I shall have someone very special coming to stay with me for a while!

Then in March, Im down Bath/Trowbridge way for a week for Parties! and Fun! Gogo Hotel! And my friend Jenn will be coming down to me there as she lives close by!

June/July I book my holiday for 2011 to go to Austrailia and New Zealand for a couple of weeks with my BFF!

October I'm 23!! >.< A fact I'm not very happy about but oh well you can't stop aging

Inbetween all this, I am building a T.A.R.D.I.S with my friend Adam, and trying to stop the world imploding from the amount of Win we create when together.

So all in all, this year looks good, im pretty damn certain something will come in and try to wreck it, but I'm not going to let it. This year is going to be the best of my life and as long as I believe that. I KNOW it will be :)

Love n Kisses

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